Tomoe Idate

Character Information

Birth NameTomoe Idate
Age:24 cycles
Race & OriginHyur | Hingan
Height and WeightFive Fulms Two Illums | One Hundred and six Ponz
Current ResidenceUl'dah
DispositionLawful Neutral
Relationship statusSingle (Widow)

Battle - If there is anything the woman excelled at, it was fighting. It was a call that never shook her, to this day she seeks to have wage a battle that would push her to her limits.
Family - Her home is placed very near to her heart, and she herself sees herself as true patriot. No task too tall, no demand to harsh. Tomoe would die for her family, home and country is asked.The arts - A lover of the finer things, the woman got access to an education that many were not. Painters, dancers, singers and writers all around Hingashi were summoned to the court of the Idate to share their knowledge. The normally stoic woman finds herself at peace partaking or watching these arts.

Beggers - Those that grovel and beg are those Tomoe has no love for. While she understands failure greatly, she would never condone those begging and often sees it as a weakness.
Voidsent - Creatures that threaten even Hingashi will be shown no love by this noble. Endless hunger for aether can only spell disaster if allowed to fester on this star.Dirt - This woman hates nothing more then being dirty. The feeling of sweat, dirt and grime on her skin is enough to ruin her day. This is something she struggles to deal with in Ul'dah.

Notable Features
Tomoe was a beautiful young woman with jet-black hair and yellow eyes. She is constantly seen with a blank look on her face, and rarely sports an expression of high emotion. Tomoe is a master of the sword. Her fighting looked like dancing, and her eyes made one feel like they were being drawn into the depths of the ocean. This combination caused a great deal of great warriors to lose their edge in battle.
Tomoe is often seem as blank and quite apathetic. This could be due to the death of her fiancé, which she partially blames herself for. The Hingan also appears to have trouble expressing herself on an emotional level. This trouble does not translate when faced with discuss about Voidsent or her people, as the woman can grow passionate in such conversations, or even angered. She does show her softer side in private and with her younger brother Itagaki, that she dotes happily.

"On my wall hangs a Hingan carving,
The mask of an evil demon, decorated with gold lacquer.
Sympathetically I observe
The swollen veins of the forehead, indicating
What a strain it is to be evil

Born lucky...

Tomoe Idate was the daughter to a low-ranking Daimyo, Terumune. She has one older brother, Munekatsu and one younger brother, Itagaki. As a child, Tomoe was placed with the heavy burden of her father. A burden that was shared by all of the Idate children, succeed and reap the benefits, fail and suffer the consequences. Wishing for her father's love, the young woman spent her entire life living by these words. Every challenge, from education or that of a weapons, Tomoe would succeed. As such, her father dubbed her 'Born Lucky, while her younger and sickly brother was dubbed 'Lucky to be born.' Once of age, Tomoe's hand was offered to a noble in a neighboring province. At first the woman hated the idea, but upon meeting and talking to the lord, grew to love who her father picked, even if she struggled to show this to her husband to be. Eager to prove himself, the lord decided to seek a worthy trophy for his warrior princess to be. Instead he would find his death.When her father had died, both Tomoe and Munekatsu battled for the postion of the next Daimyo. While typical that such a role goes to the eldest first born son, Tomoe was more of her father's child then any other and found a great deal of support in the clan. However, overcome with grief, Tomoe was not herself. The normal stoic and calm warrior was erratic and her movements choppy. By the end Tomoe had found herself the unfortunate loser of the duel. Munekatsu could not find it in his heart to lose another family member and allowed Tomoe to live.Tomoe now travels the star, unable to live with her failures in Hingashi, she now seeks to expand her skill with the blade. She has found no greater foe then the voidsent. However, word has it that the woman will offer her blade to those that offer her great battle and great gil.


The traveling blade:
Tomoe hails from Hingashi, a daughter of a low ranking Daimyo. Renown for her beauty and her skill with the blade. She now uses this skill to complete work for those whom can afford the price.
The noble finds the strongest and smartest prey to be that of the voidsent, as such she will do hunt them to ends of the world. In doing this, she hopes to kill the threat to the star and to push her skill with the blade even further.
Ul'dah is no home of hers, but she now finds her head resting inside of it's walls. Much of Erozean culture is strange to her, and she struggles to fit in. From time to time she finds herself in rather sticky situations thanks to her poor understanding of how things work. Luckily for her, her blade often makes it possible to escape such situations.
Chances are high that the woman has killed someone or something important in her work. Various contracts might be on her head, not that she knows or even cares. She simply looks forward to the next hunt.